Welcome back, Gators! The PSP team is excited for this school year! There will be a little more normalcy this year with more events and volunteer opportunities, and as always, we will need your help to make it all run smoothly!
Make sure to check out the ‘Get Involved’ page to learn more about volunteer needs. We are encouraging families to get involved in at least one volunteer opportunity this year. Some will be able to volunteer weekly in the classroom, and others might be more interested in a one-time event. Please get involved in whatever way makes sense for your family!
While you’re here, please also head to the ‘AGC’ page to check out this year’s Annual Giving Campaign. You will see that this year’s campaign is set up a little differently, giving you more options on how to contribute. There is an option to contribute the recommended $100 per student, but you will also see options to sponsor wish list items. These are some items that we would like to fund this year. In addition to these ways of contributing, you will also see an option to ‘sign up.’ This will allow you to participate in a peer-to-peer fundraising option where you can create a page for your student/family and ask family and friends to contribute to our school’s enrichment!
Once you’ve checked out how to get involved and how to contribute, make sure to look over the ‘Events’ tab for all our planned events! Our first fundraising event will be August 11th – our first minimum day of the year – at Skipolini’s Pizza right down the street from school! You will also see that our first schoolwide event will be a Trunk or Treat on October 29th. We are still looking for committee members to help organize this event, and we will need lots of trunks on display so start thinking about fun themes for getting involved!
As always, please reach out to the Gateway PSP team with any questions. You can email us at GatewayPSP@rafos.org.
Your PSP representatives,
Kay Bass, Krystl Burleigh, and Kiran Sibia